殴打 1.(打) beat up; hit 互相殴打 come to blows; exchange blows2.[法律] battery 他犯了殴打罪。 he was guilty of assault and battery
粗暴 (鲁莽; 粗野; 蛮横) rude; rough; crude; brutal; violent 粗暴干涉别国内政 wantonly interfere in [with] the internal affairs of other countries; 粗暴践踏别国的独立和主权 brutally trample on the independence and sovereignty of another country; 粗暴态度 a rude attitude; 粗暴行为 crude behaviour
对待 treat; approach; handle; be in a position related to or compared with another 粗暴地对待某人 treat sb. roughly; 对待顾客要有礼貌 be polite to customers; 和蔼地对待某人 handle sb. kindly; 区别对待 deal with different people [things] in different ways; 受到残酷对待 be cruelly treated; 正确地对待群众 adopt a correct attitude towards the masses